Here is an observation of humanity...
"Much of our time is spent in a mindless rush as we flit from task to task, image to image, thought to thought. We walk through life so lost in the manic frenzy of our own making, that we are completely unaware of what we are creating or what the impact of our creations are."
How do you relate to this? How does your day to day activity run?
Cairo, in his comment, shares a great insight; " However, I also see that the results of all my actions tend to mirror the source from which they arose." This is the illustration of cause and effect. When we act, we see an effect is manifested. What Cairo has observed is that the effect is dependent not on the cause but upon the source of the cause. Isn't that interesting? Would that mean that when the same action is sourced from a different consciousness, that the effect would be different? No, because no action is the same when sourced from a different consciousness.
There are some significant issues here that have to do with the reality of cause and effect and how they relate to the different consciousness we operate out of. However, I will not discuss that in this post. I will instead concentrate on the perceptions of cause and effect as is seen in our day to day lives.
On the surface, the source of the cause is what determines its effect. When we operate out of fear consciousness, we create the effects that are in line with fear. When we operate out of Love Consciousness, we create effects that are in line with love.
Let's take an example of a teacher who admonishes the student;
When done from Fear Consciousness, the admonishment creates effects such as belittling, humiliation, degradation etc. Just bear in mind that the effect is actually happening within the teacher. The student has a real choice on deciding whether or not to receive this admonishment and if doing so, in what Consciousness to receive it. If the student chose to receive the admonishment in Love Consciousness, none of those effects would have manifested within her/him. Instead, the effects that are created are learning, knowledge, awareness, expansion etc.
So the key lesson here is that the cause and effect of all actions happen within each individual dependent on the consciousness she/he is operating in.
Congruence of cause and effect happen when the perpetrator of an action and the receiver are both operating from the same Consciousness.
There is a caveat here though. When one creates causes and effects from Fear Consciousness but is met by Love Consciousness, at some point Love will prevail, because the illusion of fear shall breakdown in the face of the unyielding truth. That is the experience. Observe around you. See what prevails in the end.
So we come to questions; How do we develop our awareness of what consciousness we operate from? Can we consciously choose where we operate from?
How to develop your awareness;
Start by diligently reflecting upon your day every night. Reflect upon which consciousness you operated in during each significant event in the day. Bring to mind your emotions and feelings that you experienced in the moment at each event. Create a stand for the behaviours, emotions and experiences you want to create the next day.
This exercise must become a daily practice as you build your awareness, you will notice that very soon you will able to catch yourself in the moment. Your awareness of yourself will increase every day. In time you will become aware not only of yourself but of others around you, not just from your protective perspective, but from theirs too.
Choosing your Consciousness;
Most days adult human beings wake up beset by anxieties and worries. Even when one is seemingly in a "happy" state, one is always conscious of a sense of unease. This is more wide spread and prevalent in our species than ever before in our recorded history. It is here that the fruits of Fear Consciousness are firmly embedded.
How does one overcome this? The best tool for accessing Love Consciousness is gratitude. Compile a list of all the things, people, events, emotions and possibilities that you are grateful for. Read them every morning as you wake up. Read them with passion and with feeling. Let yourself be immersed in the sensations awakened by the expression of gratitude. Observe and reflect on the event at night. You will notice that subtly, your life will change. You will notice that your days are changing. When you practice your reflections, you will start to distinguish your consciousness, not just in thought, but in emotion and feeling. Over time, you will start waking up like a child does, with the joy of adventurous possibilities ahead.
The two practices of reflection (at night) and gratitude (in the morning) are your best sources of developing your capacity to be aware of and choose the Consciousness from which you operate.
There are a myriad of other practices that you can do. I do recommend Ekhardt Tolle's marvelous book, "Practicing the Power of Now", for further practices. Meditation, Yogic practices and Contemplative practices are others that I recommend.
Thank you Cairo, for your stand for humanity, your dedication to the possibilities inherent in your stand and your courage at facing yourself. Your journey is an inspiration to all who have the courage to observe it.
Monday, January 26, 2009
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